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Trial License

Request trial license

You can request a trial license of Dynamic Web TWAIN via our customer portal or contacting support.

Update trial license

You can set the new key via the ProductKey API.

  1. Open dynamsoft.webtwain.config.js from your local project or search ProductKey to locate the code for license setting.

  2. Update ProductKey in the code.

    Dynamsoft.DWT.ProductKey = 't0076lQAAAGNcO61He******'; // update the ProductKey with yours
  3. Refresh your scan page and try again.

Full license

You can find all the full licenses you own via our customer portal.

Depending on the type of full license you are using, you can add/update the full license via the ProductKey or organizationID API (available for Dynamic Web TWAIN v17.0+).

Update ProductKey

If you are using a ProductKey, you can search ProductKey to locate the code for license setting which resides in the dynamsoft.webtwain.config.js file for most cases.

Dynamsoft.DWT.ProductKey = 't0076lQAAAGNcO61He******'; // update the ProductKey with yours

If you have multiple license keys, separate them with semicolons like below:

Dynamsoft.DWT.ProductKey = 't0076lQAAAGNcO61He******;t0076lQAAAGNcO61He******';

Update organizationID

If you are using an organizationID, you can simply update the organizationID in your code.

Dynamsoft.DWT.organizationID = "123456"; // replace the number 123456 with YOUR-ORGANIZATION-ID

License Agreement

View the Dynamic Web TWAIN License Agreement.

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latest version

  • Latest Version
  • Version 17.1.1
  • Version 17.0
  • Version 16.2
  • Version 16.1.1
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