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Deploy your application on the server

Once you have finished integrating DWT in your application, you can deploy it on your server to test it. As far as DWT is concerned, all related files are to be served as static files which makes the deployment very easy.

If you are using the OCR feature on the server side, please refer to Use OCRB on the Server Side.


The Resources folder is typically found in the following location after the installation:

  • Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\Dynamsoft\Dynamic Web TWAIN SDK {Version Number}\
  • macOS: Applications > Dynamsoft > Dynamic Web TWAIN SDK {Version Number}

The deployment of Dynamic Web TWAIN is easy. Simply copy the Resources folder to your web server. Learn more on Set ResourcesPath

Technical details

Make sure the static files can be served correctly

DWT comes with lots of static resources files, for the full list, check out What are the Resources files. The following table shows each file type and its MIME type which must be configured in your webserver in order for that type of file(s) to be correctly served to the client browsers.

File Type MIME Type Required by
.js application/javascript All Browsers
.css text/css All Browsers
.wasm application/wasm WASM Browsers
.msi application/octet-stream Browsers on Windows
.pkg application/pkg-mac Browsers on macOS
.deb application/x-debian-package Browsers on Linux
.rpm application/x-redhat-package-manager Browsers on Linux

See more: How to set the MIME type

Enable HTTPS

If you need to use any of the following features, you must enable HTTPS on the server.

  • Use the new Camera module
  • Upload or Download via SSL
  • Any other features that require a secure connection

For how to enable HTTPS, please check out the manual of your webserver.

Set ResourcesPath

The global API Dynamsoft.DWT.ResourcesPath sets a relative or absolute path that tells DWT where to look for the resources files at runtime. Its default value is Resources which means all these files are put in a directory called Resources that is in the same location as the web page on which DWT is running. This is the simplest situation possible, in most cases, it’s a lot more complicated and you must make sure the correct value is set.

How to know ResourcesPath is wrong

When you set ResourcesPath wrong, static files such as dynamsoft.webtwain.install.js , dynamsoft.viewer.css will fail to load and you see 404 errors in the browser console.

Using an absolute path

In some cases, you might not be able to calculate the correct relative path for these files and wishes to use an absolute path instead, such as “”. This is supported but keep in mind that if you want to use the new Camera module or run DWT in the WASM mode, you must make sure the absolute path stays in the same domain to avoid cross-origin issues.

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  • Latest Version
  • Version 17.1.1
  • Version 17.0
  • Version 16.2
  • Version 16.1.1
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