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Dynamsoft offers two OCR engines that can be used as addons for DWT
: OCR Basic ( OCRB
for short) and OCR Professional ( OCRPro
for short).
is developed on top of the open source Tesseract engine. OCRPro
on the other hand was developed on top of Kofax’s proprietary OCR engine.
For simple OCR of relatively clear images, OCRB
will suffice. It supports 27 languages including English, Arabic, Chinese, and Russian, etc. Here is a full list of all the languages supported by OCRB.
As the name implies, OCRPro
is faster, more robust and comes with built-in image pre-processing. It currently supports 119 languages and is the recommended option for any large-scale enterprise grade solution. Here is a full list of all the languages supported by OCRPro.
For a quick comparison, you can use this sample application to test the performance of both engines side by side.
OCR can be performed both on the client side and on the server side. But Server-side OCRPro is no longer supported in v17.0.
Client side OCR only works in browsers on Windows and in Service mode.
To include this addon is to reference the necessary JavaScript file dynamsoft.webtwain.addon.ocr.js
which is NOT included in the resources files. If you can’t find this file, you can contact Dynamsoft Support.
If you are using the dwt package, the addon is already included in the main JavaScript file (
) which means you can skip this step.
<script src="dynamsoft.webtwain.addon.ocr.js"> </script>
is not included by default in the service installation. To use it, you need to download and install it with the APIs Download()
and DownloadLangData()
. Check out the code snippet on how it works.
requires a dictionary / data when reading a specific language. The following code assumes the target language is “English”.
function downloadOCRB(bDownloadDLL) {
var strOCRPath = Dynamsoft.DWT.ResourcesPath + '/addon/',
strOCRLangPath = Dynamsoft.DWT.ResourcesPath + '/addon/OCRBasicLanguages/';
if (bDownloadDLL) {
function() {
/*console.log('OCR dll is installed');*/
function(errorCode, errorString) {
} else {
function() {},
function(errorCode, errorString) {
The code asks DWT
to download OCRB
from the URL Dynamsoft.DWT.ResourcesPath + '/addon/'
and the language data from the URL Dynamsoft.DWT.ResourcesPath + '/addon/OCRBasicLanguages/'
. Both zip files need to be placed on the server where you placed the resources files. As mentioned above, if you can’t find these files, you can contact Dynamsoft Support.
Once the installation is done, you should be able to find the following files under C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Dynamsoft\DynamsoftServicex64_17\DynamicOCR
: The version number may vary.DynamicOCR\eng.traineddata
: This is for English, other language(s) may have different name(s).Once installed, you can start using the addon. Check out the following code snippet which makes use of the methods SetLanguage()
, SetOutputFormat()
and Recognize()
function DoOCR() {
if (DWObject) {
if (DWObject.HowManyImagesInBuffer == 0) {
alert("Please scan or load an image first.");
if (Dynamsoft.DWT.EnumDWT_OCROutputFormat === undefined)
Dynamsoft.DWT.EnumDWT_OCROutputFormat = EnumDWT_OCROutputFormat;
function(sImageIndex, result) {
if (result == null)
return null;
var _textResult = (Dynamsoft.Lib.base64.decode(result.Get())).split(/\r?\n/g);
console.log(_textResult.join(" "));
function(errorcode, errorstring, result) {
: This method reads a specified local file.RecognizeRect()
: This method reads a specified rectangular area on an image.RecognizeSelectedImages()
: This method reads multiple images at a time.GetMinFontSizeforMoreAccurateResult()
& SetMinFontSizeforMoreAccurateResult()
: Gets or sets the font size for a regional OCR operation. The idea is that if the engine finds a certain area on the input image to have a font size smaller than what is set, it will try to read that area one more time to get a better result.SetPageSetMode()
: Configures how OCR is done.The following four methods are only effective when the output format is PDF.
& SetIfUseDetectedFont()
: Whether to use detected fonts in the resulting PDF.GetUnicodeFontName()
& SetUnicodeFontName()
: Returns or sets the font to use.Scan-Documents-and-Do-Client-side-OCR-Basic
To include this addon is to reference the necessary JavaScript file dynamsoft.webtwain.addon.ocrpro.js
which is NOT included in the resources files. If you can’t find this file, you can contact Dynamsoft Support.
If you are using the dwt package, the addon is already included in the main JavaScript file (
) which means you can skip this step.
<script src="dynamsoft.webtwain.addon.ocrpro.js"> </script>
is not included by default in the service installation. To use it, you need to download and install it with the APIs Download()
engine is huge (over 150MB) which takes quite a bit of time to download. The good news is that it only needs to be done once.
function downloadOCRPro() {
var strOCRPath = Dynamsoft.DWT.ResourcesPath + '/addon/';
function() {},
function(errorCode, errorString) {
The code asks DWT
to download OCRPro
from the URL Dynamsoft.DWT.ResourcesPath + '/addon/'
. This zip file needs to be placed on the server where you placed the resources files. If you can’t find this file, you can contact Dynamsoft Support.
Once the installation is done, you should be able to find the following under C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Dynamsoft\DynamsoftServicex64_17
: The version number may vary.OCRProResource\{hundreds of files}
: There are a few hundred files under this directory OCRProResource
.Once installed, you can start using the addon. Check out the following code snippet which sets up the operation with Settings
and then starts reading with Recognize()
function DoOCR() {
if (DWObject) {
if (DWObject.HowManyImagesInBuffer == 0) {
alert("Please scan or load an image first.");
var settings = Dynamsoft.WebTwain.Addon.OCRPro.NewSettings();
settings.Languages = "eng";
settings.OutputFormat = "TXTS";
//settings.LicenseChecker = "LicenseChecker.aspx";
function(sImageIndex, result) {
if (result == null)
return null;
var bRet = "",
pageCount = result.GetPageCount();
if (pageCount == 0) {
alert("OCR result is Null.");
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < pageCount; i++) {
var page = result.GetPageContent(i);
var letterCount = page.GetLettersCount();
for (var n = 0; n < letterCount; n++) {
var letter = page.GetLetterContent(n);
bRet += letter.GetText();
function(errorcode, errorstring, result) {
if (errorcode != -2600 && errorcode != -2601) {
//-2600:LicenseChecker cannot be empty.
//-2601:Cannot connect to the LicenseChecker, please check and make sure it's set correctly.
var strErrorDetail = "";
var aryErrorDetailList = result.GetErrorDetailList();
for (var i = 0; i < aryErrorDetailList.length; i++) {
if (i > 0)
strErrorDetail += ";";
strErrorDetail += aryErrorDetailList[i].GetMessage();
if (strErrorDetail.length > 0 && errorstring != strErrorDetail)
is configured through Settings
, the following shows all the configurable parameters. Check out more details here. The following shows how to OCR and create a PDF file that has the keyword ‘TWAIN’ stricken out.
var settings = Dynamsoft.WebTwain.Addon.OCRPro.NewSettings();
settings.Languages = "eng";
settings.LicenseChecker = "LicenseChecker.aspx";
settings.OutputFormat = Dynamsoft.DWT.EnumDWT_OCRProOutputFormat.OCRPFT_IOTPDF;
settings.PDFAVersion = Dynamsoft.DWT.EnumDWT_OCRProPDFAVersion.OCRPPDFAV_1A;
settings.PDFVersion = Dynamsoft.DWT.EnumDWT_OCRProPDFVersion.OCRPPDFV_5;
settings.RecognitionModule = Dynamsoft.DWT.EnumDWT_OCRProRecognitionModule.OCRPM_FASTEST;
settings.Redaction.FindText = "TWAIN";
settings.Redaction.FindTextFlags = Dynamsoft.DWT.EnumDWT_OCRFindTextFlags.OCRFT_WHOLEWORD;
settings.Redaction.FindTextAction = Dynamsoft.DWT.EnumDWT_OCRFindTextAction.OCRFT_STRIKEOUT;
: This method reads a specified local file.RecognizeRect()
: This method reads one or multiple rectangular area(s) on an image.RecognizeSelectedImages()
: This method reads multiple images at a time.Server side OCR has no restriction on what OS or application is running on the client side. It receives an OCR request via HTTP from a client, carries out the OCR operation and returns the results to the client. As you may know, server side OCRPro is no longer supported since V17.0, so if you want to use Dynamic Web TWAIN V17.0+ for server-side OCR, you need to use OCRB.
, the server can run either Windows
or Linux
As mentioned above, using OCRB on the server side is not recommended by Dynamsoft unless
like Chinese (The full languages List).The following shows how to get OCRB
set up, the environment is
If you’d like to use other environments, please first contact Dynamsoft Support.
The resources of OCRB
for the specified environment can be downloaded here.
Unzip what’s downloaded in the previous step, copy the entire folder WebContent
and paste it to Tomcat. In our case, the folder goes to C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 9.0\webapps
The following code shows how to upload the file to be read using DWT
and the configuration for the reading
NOTE: you can upload the file and the configuration in other ways too, it’s not required to use
function DoOCR(index) {
if (DWObject) {
// `url` is the target URL to receive the HTTP request.
var url = CurrentPath + "upload";
DWObject.SetHTTPFormField("ProductKey", DWObject.ProductKey);
DWObject.SetHTTPFormField("OutputFormat", OCROutputFormat[document.getElementById("ddlOCROutputFormat").selectedIndex].val);
DWObject.SetHTTPFormField("InputLanguage", OCRLanguages[document.getElementById("ddlLanguages").selectedIndex].val);
function() {
console.log('upload success with no returned info');
// `OnOCRResultReturned` processes the returend OCR result
Open the file CRBasicx64-v16-Server\src\com\dynamsoft\demo\
to see how it works. The core function in there is called service()
. We’ll break it down below
DiskFileItemFactory factory = new DiskFileItemFactory();
String path = this.getServletContext().getRealPath("/uploadTemp");
factory.setRepository(new File(path));
factory.setSizeThreshold(1024 * 1024);
ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload(factory);
List<FileItem> list;
try {
list = (List<FileItem>)upload.parseRequest(request);
for (FileItem item: list) {
String name = item.getFieldName();
if (item.isFormField()) {} else {
String value = item.getName();
int start = value.lastIndexOf("\\");
String filename = value.substring(start + 1);
request.setAttribute(name, filename);
InputStream inputStream = null;
OutputStream out = null;
try {
inputStream = item.getInputStream();
byte[] aryImageBuffer = FileLoadServlet.readBytes(inputStream);
out = new FileOutputStream(new File(path, filename));
out.write(aryImageBuffer, 0, aryImageBuffer.length);
} catch (IOException e) {
} finally {
} catch (FileUploadException e1) {
The above code (extracted from service()
) is used for receiving and saving the uploaded file, if you don’t need the file on the server, you can ignore the saving part.
// Define the paths of the OCRB Engine and the language data path
String strDllPath = this.getServletContext().getRealPath("/") + "WEB-INF\\lib";
String strTessDataPath = this.getServletContext().getRealPath("/") + "WEB-INF\\lib\\tessdata";
// Define the response header
String fileExtention = ".txt";
// Create an OCRB instance
DynamsoftOCRBasic ocr = new DynamsoftOCRBasic();
// Do OCR
byte[] result = ocr.ocrImage(aryImageBuffer, refaryRetResultDetails);
if(result.length > 0) {
if(fileExtention == ".pdf"){
response.getWriter().write("|#|" + strOCRResultFileName);
} else {
response.setHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + strOCRResultFileName + "\"");
// Write file to response.
OutputStream output = response.getOutputStream();
// Write the result on the server too (not necessary, just for future reference)
outResult = new FileOutputStream(new File(path, strOCRResultFileName));
outResult.write(result, 0, result.length);
As shown in the above code, OCRB
is represented by the class DynamsoftOCRBasic
and the key method is ocrImage()
. Check out the full list of the OCRB server-side methods.
latest version