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Initializing Dynamic Web TWAIN takes a few simple steps, as you can see in the “Getting Started”chapter. The following guide will dive deeper into how Dynamic Web TWAIN is intialized once the page loads.

Usage Editions

Dynamic Web TWAIN can operate in two modes: Desktop Service or WebAssembly.

Desktop Service Edition

What is Desktop Service Edition

Desktop Service Edition means Dynamic Web TWAIN operates through the Dynamsoft Service which is a quiet, background system service that handles the communication between connected devices and the browser client as well as imaging processing, encoding, decoding, etc.

When using Dynamic Web TWAIN on desktop, the service mode is used by default (recommended), and the installation of the Dynamsoft Service is mandatory for this mode.

Installation of the Dynamsoft Service

Guide on how to install the Dynamsoft Service

WebAssembly Edition

What is WebAssembly Edition

WebAssembly (WASM) Edition means Dynamic Web TWAIN operates completely within the browser with the help of Web Worker and WebAssembly. It relieves users from manually installing anything. This relies on some advanced features that only modern WASM browsers provide though.

If a user decides to access the Dynamic Web TWAIN application via a mobile browser or they don’t want to install anything on desktop, they can choose the WASM mode.

Read more on how to expand your application to mobile platforms.

How to use WebAssembly Edition on desktop

As mentioned previously, desktop users will by default go with Desktop Service Edition, while mobile and tablet users will default to WebAssembly Edition. However, if you would like desktop users to start in WebAssembly Edition and forego the need for a service, you can set UseLocalService to false in the initialization code.

Comparison of the two modes

A major difference between Desktop Service Edition and WebAssembly Edition is that the latter can not access local devices, which means that it is impossible to use local scanners.

Also, the performance and speed of WebAssembly Edition is not as good as Service Edition because it is not able to make use of as many resources.

At Dynamsoft, we tried and are still trying to make these two modes to function as closely to each other as possible.

Loading the Core JS Files

This is the first step of the initialization.

Introduction to the core files

Inside the Resources directory that is included with the SDK installation, you will find the following two files which are the main JS files that define the configuration and operation of Dynamic Web TWAIN.

  • dynamsoft.webtwain.config.js
  • dynamsoft.webtwain.initiate.js

Let’s break down each file’s purpose:

  • dynamsoft.webtwain.initiate.js

    This file is the core of the Dynamic Web TWAIN JavaScript Library. You’re not supposed to change it without consulting the Dynamsoft Support Team.

  • dynamsoft.webtwain.config.js

    This file is used for basic configuration of Dynamic Web TWAIN. This is where you configure the product key, change the initial viewer size, and more.

Q: Does it matter which JavaScript file is referenced first

A: Generally, both dynamsoft.webtwain.initiate.js and dynamsoft.webtwain.config.js need to be referenced. In the former file, it detects whether the latter has been loaded; if not, it’ll wait. Therefore, it doesn’t matter which file comes first.

Q: Why do I see dynamsoft.webtwain.min.js and dynamsoft.webtwain.min.mjs instead of the 2 files above

A: The two files are present in the official npm package dwt. For simplicity, in each of these files Dynamsoft has included all necessary JavaScript code which includes both files mentioned above plus dynamsoft.webtwain.install.js and all extra components (add-ons). The .js file is a simple combination of the code while the .mjs file is built as an ECMAScript 6 (ES6) Module that is used in applications based on Angular, React, and Vue etc.

In a regular application, referencing dynamsoft.webtwain.min.js alone would be more than enough than referencing dynamsoft.webtwain.config.js and dynamsoft.webtwain.initiate.js.

Loading Add-on JS files

Dynamic Web TWAIN offers a number of add-ons, including a barcode reader, a PDF rasterizer, two webcam utilizers and two OCR engines. The files for these components reside in the addon subfolder in the Resources directory. Learn more about the resource files.

You can reference the respective JavaScript file to include any of these add-on components. Once a JavaScript file is referenced, the member methods/properties of that component are made available in the Dynamsoft Namespace and can later be used by the WebTwain instances.

Note: As mentioned above, if you use any of the min file from the dwt package, all add-on components are included by default.

Loading the supporting files

Once the main JavaScript files are loaded in, the initialization process now moves to loading all the other supporting JS files as well as the CSS files. Depending on the mode DWT operates in, the supporting files vary.

Desktop Service Edition files

Desktop Service Edition requires the following files found in the Resources folder:

  • dynamsoft.webtwain.install.js
  • src/dynamsoft.viewer.js
  • src/dynamsoft.viewer.css
  • src/dynamsoft.webtwain.css


This file is used to configure the dialogs which show up when the Dynamsoft Service is not installed or needs upgrade, etc. This file is automatically loaded when the code in dynamsoft.webtwain.initiate.js executes. Therefore, it does not need to be referenced in the HTML page.

Note: As mentioned above, if you use any of the min file from the dwt package, this install file is already included.

dynamsoft.viewer.js, dynamsoft.viewer.css and dynamsoft.webtwain.css

These three files are used to build the viewer component of Dynamic Web TWAIN, as well as define the CSS of the other UI elements of the library.

WebAssembly Edition specific files

Apart from the 4 files that the service mode requires, the WebAssembly Edition also needs the following files:

for image IO (decoding and encoding included)

  • dynamsoft.imageio.js
  • dynamsoft.imageio_wasm-<version number>.js
  • dynamsoft.imagecore-<version number>.wasm
  • dynamsoft.imageio-<version number>.wasm
  • dynamsoft.imageProc-<version number>.wasm

for PDF reading & writing

  • dynamsoft.pdfReader-<version number>.wasm
  • dynamsoft.pdfWriter-<version number>.wasm

These 7 files are loaded only when the first WebTwain instance in WebAssembly Edition is created.

Q: Are all 7 files mentioned above used exclusively in WebAssembly Edition

A: No, the library will use the WebAssembly files even in service mode when one of the following conditions is met

Creating the WebTwain instance

This is the last step of the initialization.

The leading player of DWT is the WebTwain “class”. Almost all methods and properties are defined in this “class”. As mentioned previously, creating a WebTwain instance in Service mode requires a successful connection to the Dynamsoft Service. On the other hand, creating a WebTwain instance in WASM mode requires these extra files.

Read on to learn the three methods to instantiate DWT .


This is the default method to create WebTwain instances.


Q: Is it necessary to call Dynamsoft.DWT.Load manually

A: No. It needs to be called only if Dynamsoft.DWT.AutoLoad is set to false . If AutoLoad is true , Load will be called automatically as soon as the running environment is ready.

Dynamsoft.DWT.AutoLoad is defined in the file dynamsoft.webtwain.config.js but can be called anywhere before the actual loading begins. It is set to true by default.

Q: Where can I get the handler(s) of the instance(s)

A: When Load is called, DWT tries to create the WebTwain instances. Once it’s done, DWT triggers the built-in callback Dynamsoft.DWT.OnWebTwainReady in which the method Dynamsoft.DWT.GetWebTwain can be used to get the handler(s) of the instance(s). For simplicity, the OnWebTwainReady callback points to a global function called Dynamsoft_OnReady . The following snippets are equivalent

Snippet one

Dynamsoft.DWT.OnWebTwainReady = function() {
    DWObject = Dynamsoft.DWT.GetWebTwain("dwtcontrolContainer");

Snippet two

Dynamsoft.DWT.RegisterEvent('OnWebTwainReady', Dynamsoft_OnReady);
function Dynamsoft_OnReady() {
    DWObject = Dynamsoft.DWT.GetWebTwain("dwtcontrolContainer");
Q: How can I customize the instances

A: The instances are defined by this line in dynamsoft.webtwain.config.js

Dynamsoft.DWT.Containers = [{
    ContainerId: 'dwtcontrolContainer',
    Width: '585px',
    Height: '513px'

Note that Containers is an array of the Container type

interface Container {
    WebTwainId?: string;
    ContainerId?: string;
    Width?: string | number;
    Height?: string | number;

WebTwainId and ContainerId are both optional but one must exist as the identifier for that WebTwain instance.

Width and Height determine the initial viewer size of the instance.

When instantiating with Dynamsoft.DWT.Load , ContainerId , Width and Height are required. DWT will try to locate an HTML element with the id defined by ContainerId and use Width and Height as the viewer size.

To create multiple instances, simply provide multiple Containers , for example, the following creates two WebTwain instances

Dynamsoft.DWT.Containers = [{
    ContainerId: 'dwtcontrolContainer1',
    Width: '585px',
    Height: '513px'
}, {
    ContainerId: 'dwtcontrolContainer2',
    Width: '585px',
    Height: '513px'


This method manually creates a WebTwain instance with a default built-in viewer.


Q: Can this method create a WebTwain instance that does not come with a default viewer

A: No, only CreateDWTObjectEx can do that.

Q: Can this method be used alongside Load

A: Yes, this method can create more WebTwain instances after Load has created the initial one.

Q: How do I use this method to create WebTwain instances without using Load

A: Load is called automatically if Dynamsoft.DWT.AutoLoad is set to true . Therefore, to ignore Load, Dynamsoft.DWT.AutoLoad must be set to false .

Q: How do I use CreateDWTObject

A: This method has the following syntax

 * Create a WebTwain instance with UI.
 * @param ContainerId Specify the HTML element (typically of the type HTMLDivElement) to hold the UI.
 * @param host Specify the host.
 * @param port Specify the port.
 * @param portSSL Specify the SSL port.
 * @param successCallback A callback function that is executed if the request succeeds.
 * @param failureCallback A callback function that is executed if the request fails.
    ContainerId: string,
    host ? : string,
    port ? : string | number,
    portSSL ? : string | number,
    successCallBack: (DWObject: WebTwain) => void,
    failureCallBack: (errorString: string) => void
): void;

The following would be equivalent to using Load with the configuration Dynamsoft.DWT.Containers = [{ContainerId: 'dwtcontrolContainer', Width: '585px', Height: '513px'}

    function(obj) {
        obj.Width = 585;
        obj.Height = 513;
    function(err) {

The method can also do something that Load can’t. The following code creates a WebTwain instance that connects to the Dynamsoft Service running on another machine with the IP and ports 18622 and 18623 (SSL)

NOTE that Dynamsoft.DWT.UseLocalService must be true for this usage.

Dynamsoft.DWT.UseLocalService = true;
    "18622", "18623"
    function(obj) {},
    function(err) {

For more information, check out how to enable remote scan.


This method manually creates a WebTwain instance without a default built-in viewer.


Q: Can this method be used alongside Load

A: Yes, same as CreateDWTObject .

Q: How do I use this method to create WebTwain instances without using Load

A: Same as CreateDWTObject .

Q: How to use CreateDWTObjectEx

A: This method has the following syntax

 * Create a WebTwain instance without UI.
 * @param WebTwainId Specify the Id of the instance.
 * @param successCallback A callback function that is executed if the request succeeds.
 * @param failureCallback A callback function that is executed if the request fails.
    dwtInitialConfig: DWTInitialConfig,
    successCallBack: (DWObject: WebTwain) => void,
    failureCallBack: (errorString: string) => void
): void;

The following is the interface DWTInitialConfig

interface DWTInitialConfig {
    WebTwainId: string;
    Host?: string;
    Port?: string;
    SSLPort?: string;

Compared with CreateDWTObject , CreateDWTObjectEx requires a WebTwainId instead of a ContainerId .

The following would be equivalent to using Load with the configuration Dynamsoft.DWT.Containers = [{ContainerId: 'dwtcontrolContainer', Width: '585px', Height: '513px'}

NOTE that the created instance doesn’t have a built-in viewer but instead used the method bind() to add a viewer.

var DWObject = null;
        WebTwainId: 'dwtcontrol'
    function(obj) {
        DWObject = obj;
        DWObject.Viewer.height = 600;
        DWObject.Viewer.width = 800;;
    function(err) {

Similar to CreateDWTObject , CreateDWTObjectEx can also connect to the Dynamsoft Service running on another machine

NOTE that Dynamsoft.DWT.UseLocalService must be true for this usage.

Dynamsoft.DWT.UseLocalService = true;
        WebTwainId: 'dwtcontrolContainer1',
        Host: "",
        Port: "18622",
        SSLPort: "18623"
    function(obj) {},
    function(err) {

For more information, check out how to enable remote scan.

The Dynamsoft Namespace

Dynamic Web TWAIN operates under the Dynamsoft namespace.

Dynamsoft is the top-level namespace. Dynamic Web TWAIN and other Dynamsoft libraries are all defined under Dynamsoft. For Dynamic Web TWAIN, the major members of this namespace are:

  • DWT

    Includes global methods, properties to help with WebTwain initialization and instantiation, etc. as shown in previous context.

  • Lib

    Includes information like environment detection results (Dynamsoft.Lib.env) and global methods like showMask(), hideMask(), etc.

  • Enumerations

    Example: Dynamsoft.DWT.EnumDWT_PixelType

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