Dev Center
You can customize the display language in dynamsoft.webtwain.config.js by changing the values of the properties of the Dynamsoft.DWT.CustomizableDisplayInfo object.
Dynamsoft.DWT.CustomizableDisplayInfo = {
errorMessages: {
// launch
"Error: The Dynamic Web TWAIN module is not installed.",
ERR_BROWSER_NOT_SUPPORT: "Error: This browser is currently not supported.",
"Error: Duplicate ID detected for creating Dynamic Web TWAIN objects, please check and modify.",
"Error: The ID of the DIV for creating the new DWT object is invalid.",
"Error: Failed to download the Dynamic Web TWAIN module.",
// image view
limitReachedForZoomIn: "Error: You have reached the limit for zooming in",
limitReachedForZoomOut: "Error: You have reached the limit for zooming out",
// image editor
insufficientParas: "Error: Not enough parameters.",
invalidAngle: "Error: The angle you entered is invalid.",
invalidHeightOrWidth: "Error: The height or width you entered is invalid.",
imageNotChanged: "Error: You have not changed the current image.",
// launch
generalMessages: {
checkingDWTVersion: "Checking WebTwain version ...",
updatingDService: "Dynamsoft Service is updating ...",
downloadingDWTModule: "Downloading the Dynamic Web TWAIN module.",
refreshNeeded: "Please REFRESH your browser.",
downloadNeeded: "Please download and install the Dynamic Web TWAIN.",
DWTmoduleLoaded: "The Dynamic Web TWAIN module is loaded.",
customProgressText: {
// html5 event
upload: "uploading...",
download: "Downloading...",
load: "Loading...",
decode: "Decoding...",
decodeTIFF: "Decoding tiff...",
decodePDF: "Decoding pdf...",
encode: "Encoding...",
encodeTIFF: "Encoding tiff...",
encodePDF: "Encoding pdf...",
// image control
canvasLoading: "Loading ...",
// image editor
buttons: {
titles: {
previous: "Previous Image",
next: "Next Image",
print: "Print Image",
scan: "Acquire new Image(s)",
load: "Load local Image(s)",
rotateleft: "Rotate Left",
rotate: "Rotate",
rotateright: "Rotate Right",
deskew: "Deskew",
crop: "Crop Selected Area",
cut: "Cut Selected Area",
changeimagesize: "Change Image Size",
flip: "Flip Image",
mirror: "Mirror Image",
zoomin: "Zoom In",
originalsize: "Show Original Size",
zoomout: "Zoom Out",
stretch: "Stretch Mode",
fit: "Fit Window",
fitw: "Fit Horizontally",
fith: "Fit Vertically",
hand: "Hand Mode",
rectselect: "Select Mode",
zoom: "Click to Zoom In",
restore: "Restore Orginal Image",
save: "Save Changes",
close: "Close the Editor",
removeall: "Remove All Images",
removeselected: "Remove All Selected Images",
dialogText: {
dlgRotateAnyAngle: [
"Angle :",
"Keep size",
" OK ",
dlgChangeImageSize: [
"New Height :",
"New Width :",
"Interpolation method:",
" OK ",
saveChangedImage: [
"You have changed the image, do you want to keep the change(s)?",
" Yes ",
" No ",
selectSource: [
"Select Source:",
"There is no source available!",
For the Dynamsoft Service installation message below, you can customize the display language by searching for ‘Dynamsoft._show_install_dialog’ in dynamsoft.webtwain.install.js, and changing the display language accordingly.
latest version