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Project Deployment and End-user Installation

How do I upgrade the end-user installation for all end users once I upgrade my project?

By default once your application with the upgraded version has been deployed, end-users will be prompted to install the newer version of the Dynamsoft Service.

In a controlled environment Dynamic Web TWAIN can be distributed to all clients in one go just like other similar programs. Group Policy is one such technology.

You can install Dynamsoft Service silently using the following commands:

  • Windows
msiexec /i "/path/to/DynamsoftServiceSetup.msi" /qn

  • macOS
// Install
sudo installer -pkg /path/to/DynamsoftServiceSetup.pkg -target /Applications
// Stop service
sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchAgents/com.dynamsoft.dynamsoftservicex64.plist
// Start service
launchctl load /Library/LaunchAgents/com.dynamsoft.dynamsoftservicex64.plist

• Linux

sudo dpkg -i /path/to/DynamsoftServiceSetup.deb

// or

sudo rpm -i path/to/DynamsoftServiceSetup.rpm

Note - If you are upgrading from version 14, end-users may need to uninstall the previous version manually before reinstallation.

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    • Latest Version
    • Version 17.1.1
    • Version 17.0
    • Version 16.2
    • Version 16.1.1
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