Dev Center
Dynamsoft supports the following types of scanners
There are two ways to check if a physical document scanner is compatible:
1) Verify via Dynamsoft’s Online Demo
The fastest and most convenient way is to check using our online demo, which is built based on the Dynamic Web TWAIN SDK. If your scanner shows in the source list and can scan documents properly, it means it works well with our SDK.
2) Use Native Program to Verify
Use the tool called Twacker which is developed by the TWAIN Working Group to verify if a scanner is TWAIN compatible on a Windows machine.
If scanning is successful without any errors, then your device should be TWAIN compliant. You can also try other commands to see how it works. If your scanner doesn’t work with TWACKER, please check your scanner model online and make sure you have installed the (latest) TWAIN driver from its manufacturer.
Use the ImageCapture app (provided by Apple Inc.) to verify if a scanner is ICA compatible on a macOS machine.
Find the Image Capture application
Acquire an image and see how it works
For more info, please check out the official guide.
Use the XSane app to verify if a scanner is SANE compatible on a Linux machine. Please check out the official guide and this document for more detail.
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