Dev Center
* Initialize and create a FileUploader instance.
* @param URL Specify a path to retrieve the FileUploader library.
* @param successCallback A callback function that is executed if the request succeeds.
* @param failureCallback A callback function that is executed if the request fails.
* @argument uploadManager A FileUploader instance.
* @argument errorCode The error code.
* @argument errorString The error string.
URL: string,
successCallback: (
uploadManager: UploadManager
) => void,
failureCallback: (
errorCode: number,
errorString: string
) => void
): void;
Usage notes
The FileUploader library is installed with Dynamsoft Service by default, therefore, URL
can be left empty “”.
* Create an upload job.
CreateJob(): Job;
interface Job {
* Specify the block size (in bytes). By default, it's 10240.
BlockSize: number;
* Specify the file name.
FileName: string;
* Specify the fields in the HTTP Post Form.
FormField: FormField;
* Specify custom HTTP Post request headers.
* Example: job.HttpHeader["Content-Type"] = "text/plain";
HttpHeader: object;
* Return the Http version.
readonly HttpVersion: string;
* A callback triggered when the job succeeds.
* @argument job Specify the job.
* @argument errorCode The error code.
* @argument errorString The error string.
OnRunFailure: (
job: Job,
errorCode: number,
errorString: string
) => void;
* A callback triggered when the job succeeds.
* @argument job Specify the job.
OnRunSuccess: (job: Job) => void;
* A callback triggered multiple times during the upload.
* @argument job Specify the job.
* @argument percentage Return the percentage.
OnUploadTransferPercentage: (
job: Job,
percentage: number
) => void;
* Specify the URL of the script to receive the upload.
ServerUrl: string;
* Specify the main content of the job, i.e. the file(s).
SourceValue: SourceValue;
* Specify the number of threads (<=4) for the upload.
ThreadNum: number;
* Return the version of the job.
readonly Version: number;
interface SourceValue {
* Specify the block size. By default, it's 10240.
* @param source A URL to specify the content of the file.
* Normally it's generated by {GenerateURLForUploadData()}
* @param name Specify the name of the file.
* @param key Specify the key of the file in the request. This key can be used to retrieve the file content in server-side scripts.
Add: (
source: string,
name: string,
key ? : string
) => void;
interface FormField {
* Specify the block size. By default, it's 10240.
* @param key Specify the key of the field.
* @param value Sepcify the value of the field.
Add: (
key: string,
value: string
) => void;
* Start uploading (processing the specified job).
* @param job Specify the job.
Run(job: Job): boolean;
* Cancel a job.
* @param job Specify the job.
Cancel(job: Job): boolean;
* Cancel all jobs.
CancelAllUpload(): boolean;
Usage notes
or CancleAllUpload()
should be called in the event OnUploadTransferPercentage.
var dsUploadManager;
Dynamsoft.FileUploader.Init('', function(obj) {
dsUploadManager = obj;
var job = dsUploadManager.CreateJob();
job.OnUploadTransferPercentage = FileUpload_OnUploadTransferPercentage;
function FileUpload_OnUploadTransferPercentage(job, iPercentage) {
console.log('job cancelled!')
}, function() {});
* Generates a URL that will be used by the upload module to fetch the file/data to upload.
* @param Number[] The indices of the images in the buffer. The index is 0-based.
* @param EnumDWT_ImageType The format in which you'd like the images to be uploaded.
* @param successCallback A callback function triggered when the operation succeeds. This function will return the result URL.
* @param failureCallback A callback function triggered when the operation fails.
* @argument resultURL The result URL.
* @argument errorCode The error code.
* @argument errorString The error string.
Number[]: array,
EnumDWT_ImageType: Dynamsoft.DWT.EnumDWT_ImageType | number,
successCallback: (
resultURL: resultURL
) => void,
failureCallback: (
errorCode: number,
errorString: string
) => void
): void;
Dynamsoft.FileUploader.Init('', function(obj){dsUploadManager=obj}, function(){});
DWObject.GenerateURLForUploadData([0,1], EnumDWT_ImageType.IT_PDF,
function(resultURL,newIndices, enumImageType){
var serverUrl= "https://yoursite/yourserverurl.aspx";
var jobtemp = dsUploadManager.CreateJob();
jobtemp.ServerUrl = serverUrl;
jobtemp.SourceValue.Add(resultURL, "uploadedFile.pdf");
}, function(erroCode, errorString, httpResponseString, newIndices, enumImageType){});
* Specifies the target of the HTTP Post Request of the upload job. This typically is a file on the server. For example: job.ServerUrl = '';
ServerUrl: string;
* Specifies headers in the the HTTP Post Request of the upload job. For example: job.HttpHeader["Content-Type"] = "text/plain";
HttpHeader: object;
Usage notes
By default, HttpHeader is an empty object. If left as it is, default headers are used. Otherwise, the headers set by this property will be added to the HTTP Post Request or replace existing ones with the same names.
* Specifies the files to be uploaded and the name for it. The files are specified by URLs which can be created with the method GenerateURLForUploadData. This object has a method Add to add file to the job.
SourceValue: object;
Usage notes
Use the Add(string urltoFetchFileData, string fileName) method of the Object to add data for uploading.
job.SourceValue.Add(url, fileName);
* Specifies extra fields to be uploaded in the same HTTP post.
FormField: object;
Usage notes
Use the Add(string fieldName, string fieldValue) method of the Object to add fields for uploading, check out the sample code for more information.
job.FormField.Add('customField', 'FormFieldValue');
* The event is triggered during the execution of an upload job. It has a parameter which specifies the percentage of the completion of the job.
* @argument obj A job object.
* @argument sPercentage The percentage of the completion of the job.
.OnUploadTransferPercentage = function(obj: Object , sPercentage: number){};
job.OnUploadTransferPercentage = FileUpload_OnUploadTransferPercentage;
function FileUpload_ OnUploadTransferPercentage (obj, sPercentage){
* The event is triggered when an upload job completes successfully.
* @argument obj A job object.
.OnRunSuccess = function(obj: Object){};
job.OnRunSuccess = FileUpload_OnRunSuccess;
function FileUpload_OnRunSuccess(obj) {
alert(' upload completed ');
* The event is triggered when an upload job completes successfully.
* @argument obj A job object.
* @argument errorCode The error code.
* @argument errorString The error string.
.OnRunFailure = function(
obj: Object
errorCode: number,
errorString: string
job.OnRunFailure = FileUpload_OnRunFailure;
function FileUpload_OnRunFailure(obj, errorCode, errorString) {
version 16.2