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{WebTwainObject} Edit

{WebTwainObject} denotes the WebTwain instance.





 * Change the bit depth of the specified image.
 * @param index Specify the image.
 * @param bitDepth Specify the bit depth.
 * @param highQuality Whether to keep high quality.
    index: number,
    bitDepth: number,
    highQuality: boolean,
): boolean;

Usage notes

The allowed bit depths are 1, 4, 8, 24.



 * Change the size of the specified image.
 * @param index Specify the image.
 * @param width Specify the new width.
 * @param height Specify the new height.
 * @param method Specify the algorithm for the change.
 * @param successCallback A callback function that is executed if the request succeeds.
 * @param failureCallback A callback function that is executed if the request fails.
 * @argument errorCode The error code.
 * @argument errorString The error string.
    index: number,
    width: number,
    height: number,
    method: Dynamsoft.EnumDWT_InterpolationMethod | number,
    successCallback?: () => void,
    failureCallback?: (
        errorCode: number,
        errorString: string
    ) => void
): void | boolean;



 * Change the DPI (dots per inch) of the specified image.
 * @param index Specify the image.
 * @param xResolution Specify the horizontal DPI.
 * @param yResolution Specify the vertical DPI.
 * @param resample Whether to resample the image.
 * @param method Specify the algorithm for the change.
 * @param successCallback A callback function that is executed if the request succeeds.
 * @param failureCallback A callback function that is executed if the request fails.
 * @argument errorCode The error code.
 * @argument errorString The error string.
    index: number,
    xResolution: number,
    yResolution: number,
    resample: boolean,
    method: Dynamsoft.EnumDWT_InterpolationMethod | number,
    successCallback?: () => void,
    failureCallback?: (
        errorCode: number,
        errorString: string
    ) => void
): void | boolean;

Usage notes

Check out Dynamsoft.EnumDWT_InterpolationMethod .



 * Convert the specified image to black & white.
 * @param index Specify the image.
 * @param successCallback A callback function that is executed if the request succeeds.
 * @param failureCallback A callback function that is executed if the request fails.
 * @argument errorCode The error code.
 * @argument errorString The error string.
    index: number,
    successCallback?: () => void,
    failureCallback?: (
        errorCode: number,
        errorString: string
    ) => void
): void | boolean;



 * Convert the specified image to grayscale.
 * @param index Specify the image.
 * @param successCallback A callback function that is executed if the request succeeds.
 * @param failureCallback A callback function that is executed if the request fails.
 * @argument errorCode The error code.
 * @argument errorString The error string.
    index: number,
    successCallback?: () => void,
    failureCallback?: (
        errorCode: number,
        errorString: string
    ) => void
): void | boolean;



 * Invert the colour of the pixels on the specified image.
 * @param index Specify the image.
 * @param successCallback A callback function that is executed if the request succeeds.
 * @param failureCallback A callback function that is executed if the request fails.
 * @argument errorCode The error code.
 * @argument errorString The error string.
    index: number,
    successCallback?: () => void,
    failureCallback?: (
        errorCode: number,
        errorString: string
    ) => void
): void | boolean;



 * Change the width of the specified image by adding a margin or removing part of the image.
 * @param index Specify the image.
 * @param width Specify the new width.
 * @param successCallback A callback function that is executed if the request succeeds.
 * @param failureCallback A callback function that is executed if the request fails.
 * @argument errorCode The error code.
 * @argument errorString The error string.
    index: number,
    width: number,
    successCallback?: () => void,
    failureCallback?: (
        errorCode: number,
        errorString: string
    ) => void
): void | boolean;



 * Flip the specified image.
 * @param index Specify the image.
 * @param successCallback A callback function that is executed if the request succeeds.
 * @param failureCallback A callback function that is executed if the request fails.
 * @argument errorCode The error code.
 * @argument errorString The error string.
    index: number,
    successCallback?: () => void,
    failureCallback?: (
        errorCode: number,
        errorString: string
    ) => void
): void | boolean;



 * Mirror the specified image.
 * @param index Specify the image.
 * @param successCallback A callback function that is executed if the request succeeds.
 * @param failureCallback A callback function that is executed if the request fails.
 * @argument errorCode The error code.
 * @argument errorString The error string.
    index: number,
    successCallback?: () => void,
    failureCallback?: (
        errorCode: number,
        errorString: string
    ) => void
): void | boolean;



 * Rotate the specified image 90 degrees counterclockwise.
 * @param index Specify the image.
 * @param successCallback A callback function that is executed if the request succeeds.
 * @param failureCallback A callback function that is executed if the request fails.
 * @argument errorCode The error code.
 * @argument errorString The error string.
    index: number,
    successCallback?: () => void,
    failureCallback?: (
        errorCode: number,
        errorString: string
    ) => void
): void | boolean;



 * Rotate the specified image 90 degrees clockwise.
 * @param index Specify the image.
 * @param successCallback A callback function that is executed if the request succeeds.
 * @param failureCallback A callback function that is executed if the request fails.
 * @argument errorCode The error code.
 * @argument errorString The error string.
    index: number,
    successCallback?: () => void,
    failureCallback?: (
        errorCode: number,
        errorString: string
    ) => void
): void | boolean;



 * Rotate the specified image by the specified angle.
 * @param index Specify the index of image in buffer.
 * @param angle Specify the angle. Positive angle means clockwise. Negative value is counter-clockwise.
 * @param keepSize Whether to keep the original size.
 * @param successCallback A callback function that is executed if the request succeeds.
 * @param failureCallback A callback function that is executed if the request fails.
 * @argument errorCode The error code.
 * @argument errorString The error string.
    index: number,
    angle: number,
    keepSize: boolean,
    successCallback?: () => void,
    failureCallback?: (
        errorCode: number,
        errorString: string
    ) => void
): void | boolean;



 * Rotate the specified image by the specified angle.
 * @param index Specify the image.
 * @param angle Specify the angle.
 * @param keepSize Whether to keep the original size.
 * @param method Specify the algorithm for the change.
 * @param successCallback A callback function that is executed if the request succeeds.
 * @param failureCallback A callback function that is executed if the request fails.
 * @argument errorCode The error code.
 * @argument errorString The error string.
    index: number,
    angle: number,
    keepSize: boolean,
    method: Dynamsoft.EnumDWT_InterpolationMethod | number,
    successCallback?: () => void,
    failureCallback?: (
        errorCode: number,
        errorString: string
    ) => void
): void | boolean;

Usage notes

Check out Dynamsoft.EnumDWT_InterpolationMethod .



 * Crop the specified image using the specified coordinates.
 * @param index Specify the image.
 * @param left Specify the rectangle (leftmost coordinate).
 * @param top Specify the rectangle (topmost coordinate).
 * @param right Specify the rectangle (rightmost coordinate).
 * @param bottom Specify the rectangle (bottommost coordinate).
 * @param successCallback A callback function that is executed if the request succeeds.
 * @param failureCallback A callback function that is executed if the request fails.
 * @argument errorCode The error code.
 * @argument errorString The error string.
    index: number,
    left: number,
    top: number,
    right: number,
    bottom: number,
    successCallback?: () => void,
    failureCallback?: (
        errorCode: number,
        errorString: string
    ) => void
): void | boolean;



 * Erase a rectangular area from the specified image.
 * @param index Specify the image.
 * @param left Specify the rectangle (leftmost coordinate).
 * @param top Specify the rectangle (topmost coordinate).
 * @param right Specify the rectangle (rightmost coordinate).
 * @param bottom Specify the rectangle (bottommost coordinate).
 * @param successCallback A callback function that is executed if the request succeeds.
 * @param failureCallback A callback function that is executed if the request fails.
 * @argument errorCode The error code.
 * @argument errorString The error string.
    index: number,
    left: number,
    top: number,
    right: number,
    bottom: number,
    successCallback?: () => void,
    failureCallback?: (
        errorCode: number,
        errorString: string
    ) => void
): void | boolean;



 * Copy the specified image to the clipboard of the operating system.
 * @param index Specify the image.
CopyToClipboard(index: number): boolean;



 * Cut the specified image to the clipboard of the operating system.
 * @param index Specify the image.
CutToClipboard(index: number): boolean;



 * Crop a rectangular area from the specified image to the clipboard of the operating system.
 * @param index Specify the image.
 * @param left Specify the rectangle (leftmost coordinate).
 * @param top Specify the rectangle (topmost coordinate).
 * @param right Specify the rectangle (rightmost coordinate).
 * @param bottom Specify the rectangle (bottommost coordinate).
    index: number,
    left: number,
    top: number,
    right: number,
    bottom: number
): boolean;



 * Cut a rectangular area from the specified image to the clipboard of the operating system.
 * @param index Specify the image.
 * @param left Specify the rectangle (leftmost coordinate).
 * @param top Specify the rectangle (topmost coordinate).
 * @param right Specify the rectangle (rightmost coordinate).
 * @param bottom Specify the rectangle (bottommost coordinate).
    index: number,
    left: number,
    top: number,
    right: number,
    bottom: number
): boolean;

Usage notes

The empty area resulted from the crop/erase/cut will be filled with the colour set with BackgroundFillColor.



 * Return or set the fill colour for the empty area on an image that has been cut/cropped/erased.
BackgroundFillColor: number;

Usage notes

By default the colour is white (0xffffff). The byte-ordering of the 24-bit RGB value is RRGGBB. RR represents red, GG represents green and BB represents blue.

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