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Use DWT with Vue

Vue is a progressive framework for building user interfaces. Check out the following guide on how to integrate DWT into a Vue application.


Make sure you have node, yarn, and Vue CLI installed. node 14.4.0 , yarn 1.22.4, and @vue/cli 4.46 are used in the example below.

Create the sample project

Create a bootstrapped raw Vue application

vue create dwt-vue
yarn add dwt
yarn add ncp

ncp is used to copy static resources files.

Configure the project

Open package.json and change scripts as seen below:

"scripts": {
    "serve": "ncp node_modules/dwt/dist public/dwt-resources && vue-cli-service serve",
    "build": "vue-cli-service build&& ncp node_modules/dwt/dist build/dwt-resources",
    "lint": "vue-cli-service lint"

The change ensures the static files required to run DWT are copied over to the resulting built project.

Start to implement

Edit the default component

Change the file /src/components/HelloWorld.vue to match the following template and script (keep the style as is)

    <div class="hello">
        <select v-if="!bWASM" id="sources"></select>
        <button v-if="!bWASM" @click="acquireImage()">Acquire Images</button>
        <button @click="openImage()">Open Documents</button> <br /> <br />
        <div v-bind:id="containerId"></div>

    import Dynamsoft from "dwt";
    export default {
        name: "HelloWorld",
        props: {
            msg: String,
        data() {
            return {
                containerId: "dwtControlContainer",
                bWASM: false,
        mounted() {
            this.bWASM = false;
            Dynamsoft.WebTwainEnv.ResourcesPath = "/dwt-resources";
            Dynamsoft.WebTwainEnv.ProductKey = 'YOUR-PRODUCT-KEY';
            Dynamsoft.WebTwainEnv.Containers = [{
                WebTwainId: "dwtObject",
                ContainerId: this.containerId,
                Width: "100%",
                Height: "400px",
            }, ];
            Dynamsoft.WebTwainEnv.RegisterEvent("OnWebTwainReady", () => {
        methods: {
            Dynamsoft_OnReady() {
                this.DWObject = Dynamsoft.WebTwainEnv.GetWebTwain(this.containerId);
                this.bWASM = Dynamsoft.Lib.env.bMobile || !Dynamsoft.WebTwainEnv.UseLocalService;
                if (this.bWASM) {
                    this.DWObject.MouseShape = true;
                } else {
                    let sources = this.DWObject.GetSourceNames();
                    this.selectSources = document.getElementById("sources");
                    this.selectSources.options.length = 0;
                    for (let i = 0; i < sources.length; i++) {
                        this.selectSources.options.add(new Option(sources[i], i.toString()));
            acquireImage() {
                if (!this.DWObject) this.DWObject = Dynamsoft.WebTwainEnv.GetWebTwain();
                if (this.bWASM) {
                    alert("Scanning is not supported under the WASM mode!");
                } else if (
                    this.DWObject.SourceCount > 0 &&
                ) {
                    const onAcquireImageSuccess = () => {
                    const onAcquireImageFailure = onAcquireImageSuccess;
                } else {
                    alert("No Source Available!");
            openImage() {
                if (!this.DWObject) this.DWObject = Dynamsoft.WebTwainEnv.GetWebTwain();
                this.DWObject.IfShowFileDialog = true;
                this.DWObject.LoadImageEx("", Dynamsoft.EnumDWT_ImageType.IT_ALL, () => {}, () => {});


  • containerId specifies the DIV to create DWT viewer, which is defined in the template.
  • OnWebTwainReady is the callback triggered when DWT initialization succeeds.
  • ProductKey must be set to a valid trial or full key.
  • ResourcesPath is set to the location of the static files mentioned in Configure the project.

Try running the project

yarn serve

On desktop

If you have installed DWT and have configured a valid ProductKey . You will have a working page to scan documents from your scanner now. Otherwise, you should see instructions on this page that guides you on installing the library.

On mobile

You should be able to open a file or capture an image.

Official Samples

Check out the following sample project:

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version 16.2

  • Latest Version
  • Version 17.1.1
  • Version 17.0
  • Version 16.2
  • Version 16.1.1
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