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{WebTwainObject} denotes the WebTwain instance.




For the WebTwain. Viewer interface






 * Create a Dynamsoft Viewer instance and bind it to the WebTwain instance.
 * @param elementId Specify an HTML element to create the viewer.
 * @param config Configuration of the viewer.
    elementId: string,
    config ? : BasicViewerConfig
): boolean;

interface BasicViewerConfig {
     * Specify the size of the viewer.
    Height: number | string;
    Width: number | string;
     * Set up the content view.
    view: ContentView;

interface ContentView {
     * Whether to show the content view or not.
     * If set to false, then only thumbnails view is shown.
    bShow: boolean;
     * Specify the width of the major content view.
    Width: number | string;



 * Update the viewer with the new configuration.
 * @param config Configuration of the viewer.
UpdateViewer(config: BasicViewerConfig): boolean;

interface BasicViewerConfig {
     * Specify the size of the viewer.
    Height: number | string;
    Width: number | string;
     * Set up the content view.
    view: ContentView;

interface ContentView {
     * Whether to show the content view or not.
     * If set to false, then only thumbnails view is shown.
    bShow: boolean;
     * Specify the width of the major content view.
    Width: number | string;



 * Unbind and destroy the viewer.
UnbindViewer(): boolean;


 * Create a viewer in the div with the Id 'dwtcontrolContainer'. Use default settings.

Example configurations of the viewer, note that both hardcoded numbers (of pixels) and percentages can be used to specify the size of the viewer.

    Height: 600, // 600 pixels high
    Width: 500, // 500 pixels wide
    view: {
        bShow: true, // Show the content view
        Width: 300 // The content view is 300 pixels wide
    Height: "60%", // 60% height of the parent element
    Width: "50%", // 50% width of the parent element
    view: {
        bShow: true, // Show the content view
        Width: "80%" // 80% width of the viewer



 * Return or set the background colour | image of the viewer.
BackgroundColor: number | string;

Usage notes

The number that represents the number comes in the form of 0xRRGGBB. For example, the following code sets the background to pure Green.

DWObject.BackgroundColor = 0x00ff00;

You can also set an image as the background by its URL. For example

DWObject.BackgroundColor = "url(";



 * Return or set the border colour for selected image(s).
SelectionImageBorderColor: number;

Usage notes

By default the colour is white (0xffffff). The byte-ordering of the 24-bit RGB value is RRGGBB. RR represents red, GG represents green and BB represents blue.



 * Return or set how the image is fit in the viewer.
FitWindowType: number;

Usage notes

This API only works if the view mode of the viewer is set to -1 by -1.

The allowed values of FitWindowType are

  • 0 : Default value, try to fit the image both horizontally and vertically.
  • 1 : Fit the image vertically.
  • 2 : Fit the image horizontally.



 * Return or set whether to fit the current image to the viewer window.
IfFitWindow: boolean;

Usage notes

This API only works if the view mode of the viewer is set to -1 by -1.

The default value of IfFitWindow is true.



 * Return or set the height of the viewer.
Height: number | string;



 * Return or set the width of the viewer.
Width: number | string;

Usage notes

Example values

  • number
DWObject.Height = 600; // 600 pixels high
DWObject.Width = 500; // 500 pixels wide
  • string
DWObject.Height = "600px"; // 600 pixels high
DWObject.Width = "500px"; // 500 pixels wide


DWObject.Height = "50%"; // 50% of the parent element's height
DWObject.Width = "50%"; // 50% of the parent element's width



 * Return the horizontal coordinate of the mouse.
readonly MouseX: number;



 * Return the vertical coordinate of the mouse.
readonly MouseY: number;

Usage notes

The coordinates are meaured in pixels and is based on the original size of the image.


    function() {
        console.log("X: " + DWObject.MouseX + " Y: " + DWObject.MouseY);



 * Change the position of an image in the buffer.
 * @param from Specify the original position by index.
 * @param to Specify the target position by index.
SelectionRectAspectRatio: number;



 * Return or set the shape of the cursor.
MouseShape: boolean;

Usage notes

Unlike cursorOverThumbnailsView, this property set the shape of the cursor that’s effective both on the thumbnails view and the content view.

The allowed values are

  • true : The default value. The shape is “hand”.
  • false : The shape is “crosshair” and you can drag to select an area on the image.


DWObject.MouseShape = false;



 * Return or set whether the thumbnails view scrolls when new images come in.
IfAutoScroll: boolean;

Usage notes

By default, the property is true which means the thumbnails view will scroll to show the latest acquire/loaded images.

Set it to false if you want the view to keep showing the same images even as more images are acquire/loaded.


DWObject.IfAutoScroll = false;



 * Return or set whether to show the page numbers.
ShowPageNumber: boolean;

Usage notes

The page number indicates the order of the images.

When the viewmode is -1 * -1, page numbers will be hidden.



 * Return or set the margin between images (in pixels).
ImageMargin: number;

Usage notes

The image margin is only effective when the view mode is not 1 * 1 nor -1 * -1.



 * Return or set the zoom factor.
Zoom: number;

Usage notes

The zoom factor is only effective when the view mode is -1 * -1.

When you set the property and the view mode is -1 * -1, the view will zoom in or out.






 * A built-in callback triggered when the mouse click | double-click | right-click on an image or move over it.
 * @argument index Specify the image.
RegisterEvent('OnMouseClick', function(index: number) {}): boolean;
RegisterEvent('OnMouseDoubleClick', function(index: number) {}): boolean;
RegisterEvent('OnMouseRightClick', function(index: number) {}): boolean;
RegisterEvent('OnMouseMove', function(index: number) {}): boolean;



 * A built-in callback triggered when a rectangle is selected on an image in the buffer.
 * @argument index Specify the image.
 * @argument left, top, right, bottom: Return the coordinates of the rectangle.
 * @argument rectangleIndex The index of the rectangle
    function (index: number,
        left: number, top: number,
        right: number, bottom: number,
        rectangleIndex: number
    ) {}
): boolean;



 * A built-in callback triggered when selected rectangles are cleared.
 * @argument index Specify the image.
    function (index: number) {}
): boolean; 



 * Set the view mode of the viewer.
 * @param columns Specify the number of images per column.
 * @param rows Specify the number of images per row.
    columns: number,
    rows: number
): boolean;



 * Select a rectangular area on the specified image.
 * @param left Specify the rectangle (leftmost coordinate).
 * @param top Specify the rectangle (topmost coordinate).
 * @param width Specify the rectangle (the width).
 * @param height Specify the rectangle (the height).
    left: number,
    top: number,
    width: number,
    height: number
): boolean;

Usage notes

The coordinates are based on the size of the original image (instead of the size of the viewer).


DWObject.Viewer.setSelectedImageArea(50, 50, 200, 200);



 * Set the CSS class name of the specified button.
 * @param name Specify the button.
 * @param className Specify the CSS class name.
    name: string,
    className: string
): boolean;

Usage notes

Use this method to fine-tune the buttons in the viewer with CSS.


DWObject.Viewer.setButtonClass("crop", "CropClass");



 * Zoom in by 6/5.
zoomIn(): boolean;



 * Zoom out by 5/6.
zoomOut(): boolean;



 * Bind a custom element to the viewer to add extra features.
 * @param Id Specify the element by its Id.
 * @param priority Specify the importance of the element.
 * @param fullScreen Whether to show the element full-screen.
    Id: string,
    priority: number,
    fullScreen: boolean
): boolean;

Usage notes

You can put any information in the custom element. Once bound, it’ll be managed by the viewer.



 * Unbind a custom element from the viewer.
 * @param Id Specify the element by its Id.
    Id: string
): boolean;



 * Show the custom element.
 * @param name Specify the element by its Id.
showCustomElement(Id: string): boolean;



 * Hide the custom element.
 * @param name Specify the element by its Id.
hideCustomElement(Id: string): boolean;



 * Show or hide the custom element.
 * @param name Specify the element by its Id.
toggleCustomElement(Id: string): boolean;



 * Start streaming video from the current camera in the viewer.
 * @param deviceId Specify a camera.
 * @param resolution Specify the initial resolution.
showVideo(deviceId?: string,
    resolution?: Resolution
): Promise<Resolution>;



 * Close the camera and hide the video streaming UI.
closeVideo(): void;



 * Specify an event listener for the specified built-in viewer event.
 * @param name Specify the event
 * @param callback The event listener
on(name: string, callback: () => void): void;



 * This event is triggered when the video is closed.
on("video-closed", callback: () => void): void;



 * This event is triggered when the video playing operation throws out an error.
 * @argument errorCode The error code.
 * @argument errorString The error string.
on("video-error", callback: (errorCode, errorString) => void): void;



 * Whether to only show the thumbnails view.
bOnlyShowThumbnailsView: boolean;



 * Set the shape of the cursor over the thumbnails view.
cursorOverThumbnailsView: string;



 * Update the viewer with detailed configuration.
 * @param config Specify the detailed configuration.
updateUISettings(config: IViewerConfig): boolean;

interface ViewerConfig {
     * Specify which components are shown.
    component ? : {
        header ? : boolean;
        topMenu ? : boolean;
        asideMenu ? : boolean;
        bottomMenu ? : boolean;
    group ? : {
            global ? : {
                visibility ? : boolean,
                location ? : string, // Example: 'header'
                sequence ? : number
            tabName ? : {
                visibility ? : boolean,
                location ? : string, // Example: 'header'
                sequence ? : number
            viewerCorner ? : {
                visibility ? : boolean,
                location ? : string, // Example: 'header'
                sequence ? : number
            viewMenuBlock ? : {
                visibility ? : boolean,
                location ? : string, // Example: 'topMenu'
                sequence ? : number
            viewMenu ? : {
                visibility ? : boolean,
                location ? : string, // Example: 'topMenu'
                sequence ? : number
            topMenuRight ? : {
                visibility ? : boolean,
                location ? : string, // Example: 'topMenu'
                sequence ? : number
            pager ? : {
                visibility ? : boolean,
                location ? : string, // Example: 'bottomMenu'
                sequence ? : number
            viewChange ? : {
                visibility ? : boolean,
                location ? : string, // Example: 'header'
                sequence ? : number
        buttons ? : {
            // loadImage button
            loadImage ? : {
                visibility ? : boolean,
                location ? : string, // Example: 'viewerCorner'
                iconClass ? : string, // Example: 'icon-file'
                sequence ? : number,
                onButtonClick ? : string // Example: onLoadImage'
            currentTab ? : {
                visibility ? : boolean,
                location ? : string, // Example: 'tabName',
                sequence ? : number
            // panelChange button (thumbnail, dir tree, tags)
            panelChange ? : {
                visibility ? : boolean,
                location ? : string, // Example: 'global'
                iconClass ? : string, // Example: 'icon-list'
                sequence ? : number,
                onButtonClick ? : string // Example: onPanelChange'
            // readDirection change button (vertical ,horizontal)
            readDirection ? : {
                visibility ? : boolean,
                location ? : string, // Example: 'global'
                iconClass ? : string, // Example: 'icon-readType'
                sequence ? : number,
                onButtonClick ? : string // Example: onReadDirection'
            // readDirection change button (vertical ,horizontal)
            blank1 ? : {
                visibility ? : boolean,
                location ? : string, // Example: 'global'
                sequence ? : number
            // flip button
            flip ? : {
                visibility ? : boolean,
                location ? : string, // Example: 'viewMenu'
                iconClass ? : string, // Example: 'icon-flip'
                sequence ? : number,
                onButtonClick ? : string // Example: onFlip'
            // mirror button
            mirror ? : {
                visibility ? : boolean,
                location ? : string, // Example: 'viewMenu'
                iconClass ? : string, // Example: 'icon-mirror'
                sequence ? : number,
                onButtonClick ? : string // Example: onMirror'
            // rotate button
            rotate ? : {
                visibility ? : boolean,
                location ? : string, // Example: 'viewMenu'
                iconClass ? : string, // Example: 'icon-rotateLeft'
                sequence ? : number,
                onButtonClick ? : string // Example: onRotate'
            // rotateAll button
            rotateAll ? : {
                visibility ? : boolean,
                location ? : string, // Example: 'viewMenu'
                iconClass ? : string, // Example: 'icon-rotateAll'
                sequence ? : number,
                onButtonClick ? : string // Example: onRotateAll'
            // crop button
            crop ? : {
                visibility ? : boolean,
                location ? : string, // Example: 'viewMenu'
                iconClass ? : string, // Example: 'icon-crop'
                sequence ? : 5,
                onButtonClick ? : string // Example: onCrop'
            // wipe button
            wipe ? : {
                visibility ? : boolean,
                location ? : string, // Example: 'viewMenu'
                iconClass ? : string, // Example: 'icon-wipe'
                sequence ? : 6,
                onButtonClick ? : string // Example: onWipe'
            // undo button
            undo ? : {
                visibility ? : boolean,
                location ? : string, // Example: 'viewMenu'
                iconClass ? : string, // Example: 'icon-undo'
                sequence ? : 7,
                onButtonClick ? : string // Example: onUndo'
            // redo button
            redo ? : {
                visibility ? : boolean,
                location ? : string, // Example: 'viewMenu'
                iconClass ? : string, // Example: 'icon-redo'
                sequence ? : 8,
                onButtonClick ? : string // Example: onRedo'
            // magnifyCanvas button
            zoomIn ? : {
                visibility ? : boolean,
                location ? : string, // Example: 'viewMenu'
                iconClass ? : string, // Example: 'icon-magnifyImage'
                sequence ? : 9,
                onButtonClick ? : string // Example: onZoomIn'
            // shrinkCanvas button
            zoomOut ? : {
                visibility ? : boolean,
                location ? : string, // Example: 'viewMenu'
                iconClass ? : string, // Example: 'icon-shrinkImage'
                sequence ? : 10,
                onButtonClick ? : string // Example: onZoomOut'
            // reset button
            reset ? : {
                visibility ? : boolean,
                location ? : string, // Example: 'viewMenu'
                iconClass ? : string, // Example: 'icon-reset'
                sequence ? : 11,
                onButtonClick ? : string // Example: onReset'
            // remove button
            remove ? : {
                visibility ? : boolean,
                location ? : string, // Example: 'topMenuRight'
                iconClass ? : string, // Example: 'icon-delete'
                sequence ? : number,
                onButtonClick ? : string // Example: onRemove'
            // print button
            print ? : {
                visibility ? : boolean,
                location ? : string, // Example: 'topMenuRight'
                iconClass ? : string, // Example: 'icon-print'
                sequence ? : number,
                onButtonClick ? : string // Example: onPrint'
            // save button
            save ? : {
                visibility ? : boolean,
                location ? : string, // Example: 'topMenuRight'
                iconClass ? : string, // Example: 'icon-save'
                sequence ? : number,
                onButtonClick ? : string // Example: onSave'
            // firstPage button
            firstPage ? : {
                visibility ? : boolean,
                location ? : string, // Example: 'pager'
                iconClass ? : string, // Example: 'icon-pageStart'
                sequence ? : number,
                onButtonClick ? : string // Example: onFirstPage'

            // previousPage button
            previousPage ? : {
                visibility ? : boolean,
                location ? : string, // Example: 'pager'
                iconClass ? : string, // Example: 'icon-pagePre'
                sequence ? : number,
                onButtonClick ? : string // Example: onPreviousPage'
            //pagination show
            pagination ? : {
                visibility ? : boolean,
                location ? : string, // Example: 'pager'
            // nextPage button
            nextPage ? : {
                visibility ? : boolean,
                location ? : string, // Example: 'pager'
                iconClass ? : string, // Example: 'icon-pageNext'
                sequence ? : number,
                onButtonClick ? : string // Example: onNextPage'
            // lastPage button
            lastPage ? : {
                visibility ? : boolean,
                location ? : string, // Example: 'pager'
                iconClass ? : string, // Example: 'icon-pageEnd'
                sequence ? : 5,
                onButtonClick ? : string // Example: onLastPage'
            // autoFit button
            autoFit ? : {
                visibility ? : boolean,
                location ? : string, // Example: 'viewChange'
                iconClass ? : string, // Example: 'icon-autoFit'
                sequence ? : number,
                onButtonClick ? : string // Example: onAutoFit'
            // fitHeight button
            fitHeight ? : {
                visibility ? : boolean,
                location ? : string, // Example: 'viewChange'
                iconClass ? : string, // Example: 'icon-fitHeight'
                sequence ? : number,
                onButtonClick ? : string // Example: onFitHeight'
            // fitWidth button
            fitWidth ? : {
                visibility ? : boolean,
                location ? : string, // Example: 'viewChange'
                iconClass ? : string, // Example: 'icon-fitWidth'
                sequence ? : number,
                onButtonClick ? : string // Example: onFitWidth'
            // fullScreenToWebPage button
            fullPage ? : {
                visibility ? : boolean,
                location ? : string, // Example: 'viewChange'
                iconClass ? : string, // Example: 'icon-fullWeb'
                sequence ? : number,
                onButtonClick ? : string // Example: onFullPage'
            // fullScreenToDevice
            fullScreen ? : {
                visibility ? : boolean,
                location ? : string, // Example: 'viewChange'
                iconClass ? : string, // Example: 'icon-fullDevice'
                sequence ? : number,
                onButtonClick ? : string // Example: onFullScreen'
        tipsConfig ? : {
            loadImage ? : string, // Example 'loadImage'
            panelChange ? : string, // Example 'panelChange'
            readDirection ? : string, // Example 'readDirection'
            flip ? : string, // Example 'flip'
            mirror ? : string, // Example 'mirror'
            rotate ? : string, // Example 'rotate'
            rotateAll ? : string, // Example 'rotateAll'
            crop ? : string, // Example 'crop'
            wipe ? : string, // Example 'wipe'
            undo ? : string, // Example 'undo'
            redo ? : string, // Example 'redo'
            zoomIn ? : string, // Example 'zoomIn'
            zoomOut ? : string, // Example 'zoomOut'
            reset ? : string, // Example 'reset'
            remove ? : string, // Example 'remove'
            print ? : string, // Example 'print'
            save ? : string, // Example 'save'
            firstPage ? : string, // Example 'firstPage'
            previousPage ? : string, // Example 'previousPage'
            pagination ? : string, // Example 'pagination'
            nextPage ? : string, // Example 'nextPage'
            lastPage ? : string, // Example 'lastPage'
            autoFit ? : string, // Example 'fitWindow'
            fitHeight ? : string, // Example 'fitHeight'
            fitWidth ? : string, // Example 'fitWidth'
            fullPage ? : string, // Example 'fullPage'
            fullScreen ? : string, // Example 'fullScreen'
        content ? : {
            visibility ? : boolean,
            besides ? : {
                visibility ? : boolean,
                sequence ? : number
            viewPort ? : {
                visibility ? : boolean,
                sequence ? : number
            allImage ? : {
                visibility ? : boolean,
                displayName ? : string // Example: 'All Images'
        thumbnail ? : {
            visibility ? : boolean,
            iconClass ? : string // Example: 'icon-thumbnail'
            selectedBorderColor ? : string // Example: 'red'
            selectedBackgroundColor ? : string // Example: 'rgb(127, 133, 251)'
            imageBackgroundColor ? : string // Example: 'transparent'
            imageBorderColor ? : string // Example: 'gray'
            hoverBackgroundColor ? : string // Example: '#c4faf8'
            hoverBorderColor ? : string // Example: 'yellow'
            blockBackgroundColor ? : string // Example: 'pink'
            backgroundColor ? : string // Example: 'rgba(67, 66, 70, 1)'
            imageSpace ? : number, // Example: 10
            showPageNumber ? : boolean,
            showThumbnailControl ? : boolean,
            mouseShape ? : string // Example: 'pointer'
        tree ? : {
            visibility ? : boolean,
            iconClass ? : string // Example: 'icon-tree',
            selectedColor ? : string // Example: '#0000ff',
            goToThumbnail ? : boolean
        tag ? : {
            visibility ? : boolean,
            iconClass ? : string // Example: 'icon-tags',
            selectedColor ? : string // Example: '#0000ff',
            goToThumbnail ? : boolean,
            displayMode ? : string // Example: ''// icon or text
        cropStyle ? : {
            ratios ? : any, // Example [[1, 1], [3, 2], [4, 3], [5, 4], [7, 5], [16, 9]],
            cropMask ? : boolean,
            cropBar ? : boolean
        buttonResize ? : {
            ifResize ? : boolean,
            maxSize ? : number, // Example: 26,
            minSize ? : number, // Example: 14
        skinColor ? : {
            topMenuBackground ? : string // Example: '#000000'
            asideBackground ? : string // Example: '#ffffff'
            canvasBackground ? : string // Example: 'rgba(67,66,70,1)'
            bottomMenuBackground ? : string // Example: '#000000'
        presetMode ? : string // Example: 'basic'
    theme ? : string // Example: 'basic'

The following APIs are under development for version 16.2



 * Return or set the width of the viewer.
Viewer.width: number | string;

Usage Notes

If a number is assigned, it means that number of pixels (px). If a string is assigned, it is either a fixed size like “500px” or a dynamic size like “50%” which follows standard CSS rules.


DWObject.Viewer.width = 270;
DWObject.Viewer.width = "270px";
DWObject.Viewer.width = "100%";



 * Return or set the height of the viewer.
Viewer.height: number | string;

Usage Notes

If a number is assigned, it means that number of pixels (px). If a string is assigned, it is either a fixed size like “500px” or a dynamic size like “50%” which follows standard CSS rules.


DWObject.Viewer.height = 350;
DWObject.Viewer.height = "350px";
DWObject.Viewer.height = "100%";



 * Return the postfix of the Ids of the elements in the viewer.
readonly Viewer.idPostfix: string;


var myViewerIdPostfix = DWObject.Viewer.idPostfix;

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