Dev Center
{WebTwainObject} denotes the
click |
contextmenu |
dblclick |
mousemove |
mousedown |
mouseup |
mouseout |
mouseover |
keydown |
keyup |
pageAreaSelected |
pageAreaUnselected |
pageRendered |
resize |
The following APIs are deprecated as of v16.2, check out Viewer related API changes in version 16.2.
BindViewer() |
UnbindView() |
UpdateViewer() |
BackgroundColor |
SelectionImageBorderColor |
FitWindowType |
IfFitWindow |
Height |
Width |
IfAutoScroll |
ShowPageNumber |
MouseX |
MouseY |
ImageMargin |
MouseShape |
SelectionRectAspectRatio |
Zoom |
OnMouseClick |
OnMouseDoubleClick |
OnMouseMove |
OnMouseRightClick |
OnImageAreaSelected |
OnImageAreaDeSelected |
* Create a Dynamsoft Viewer instance and bind it to the WebTwain instance.
* @param element Specify an HTML element to create the viewer.
bind(element: HTMLDivElement): boolean;
var DWObject = null;
WebTwainId: 'dwtcontrol'
function(obj) {
DWObject = obj;
DWObject.Viewer.height = 600;
DWObject.Viewer.width = 800;
var thumbnailViewer = DWObject.Viewer.createThumbnailViewer();;;
function(err) {
Usage notes
Replace the previous BindViewer
* Clear the selected area(s) on the current page.
clearSelectedAreas(): void;
* Add a custom page DIV element and specify its position and display order.
* Generate an independent CustomElement object.
* @param element Specify the HTMLDivElement.
* @param location Define where to place the custom element. The allowed values are "left" and "right", and the default value is "right".
* @param bCover The default value is `false`, that is, the created CustomElement is displayed according to the set area. If set to true, the main viewer will be covered by the CustomElement.
element: HTMLDivElement,
location?: string,
bCover?: boolean
): CustomElement;
interface CustomElement {
* Show the custome element.
show(): boolean;
* Hide the custome element.
hide(): boolean;
* Remove the custome element.
dispose(): boolean;
var myElement = document.createElement("div"); = "width:100px;height:200px;background:red";
var customElement = DWObject.Viewer.createCustomElement(myElement, "right", false);;
Usage notes
Only one CustomElement object can be created. If you try creating another one, you’ll get the error ‘A CustomElement already exists.’, and the existing CustomElement object will be returned.
If the width defined by the CustomElement object exceeds the width of the main viewer, the width of the main viewer is used.
The method unbind()
will dispose all created CustomElement objects, ThumbnailViewer objects and ImageEditor objects.
* Generate an independent ImageEditor object.
* @param editorSettings Configure the object.
editorSettings?: EditorSettings
): ImageEditor;
interface ImageEditor {
* Show the ImageEditor object.
show(): boolean;
* Hide the ImageEditor object.
hide(): boolean;
* Remove the ImageEditor object.
dispose(): boolean;
The example code shows 2 ways to use the API
// Use default settings
var imageEditor = DWObject.Viewer.createImageEditor();;
// Customize the editor
var editorSettings = {
/* Show the editor within the DIV 'imageEditor'*/
element: document.getElementById("imageEditor"),
width: 600,
height: 400,
border: '1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204)',
topMenuBorder: '',
innerBorder: '',
background: "rgb(255, 255, 255)",
promptToSaveChange: true,
buttons: {
titles: {
'previous': 'Previous Image',
'next': 'Next Image',
'print': 'Print Image',
'scan': 'Scan Documents',
'load': 'Load Local Images',
'rotateleft': 'Rotate Left',
'rotate': 'Rotate',
'rotateright': 'Rotate Right',
'deskew': 'Deskew',
'crop': 'Crop Selected Area',
'cut': 'Cut Selected Area',
'changeimagesize': 'Change Image Size',
'flip': 'Flip Image',
'mirror': 'Mirror Image',
'zoomin': 'Zoom In',
'originalsize': 'Show Original Size',
'zoomout': 'Zoom Out',
'stretch': 'Stretch Mode',
'fit': 'Fit Window',
'fitw': 'Fit Horizontally',
'fith': 'Fit Vertically',
'hand': 'Hand Mode',
'rectselect': 'Select Mode',
'zoom': 'Click to Zoom In',
'restore': 'Restore Original Image',
'save': 'Save Changes',
'close': 'Close the Editor',
'removeall': 'Remove All Images',
'removeselected': 'Remove All Selected Images'
visibility: {
'scan': true,
'load': true,
'print': true,
'removeall': true,
'removeselected': true,
'rotateleft': true,
'rotate': true,
'rotateright': true,
'deskew': true,
'crop': true,
'cut': true,
'changeimagesize': true,
'flip': true,
'mirror': true,
'zoomin': true,
'originalsize': true,
'zoomout': true,
'stretch': true,
'fit': true,
'fitw': true,
'fith': true,
'hand': true,
'rectselect': true,
'zoom': true,
'restore': true,
'save': true,
'close': true
dialogText: {
dlgRotateAnyAngle: ['Angle :', 'Interpolation:', 'Keep size', ' OK ', 'Cancel'],
dlgChangeImageSize: ['New Height :', 'New Width :', 'Interpolation method:', ' OK ', 'Cancel'],
saveChangedImage: ['You have changed the image, do you want to keep the change(s)?', ' Yes ', ' No '],
selectSource: ['Select Source:', 'Select', 'Cancel', 'There is no source available']
var imageEditor = DWObject.Viewer.createImageEditor(editorSettings);;
Usage notes
Replace the previous ShowImageEditor()
Only one ImageEditor object can be created. If you try creating it again, you’ll get the error ‘An ImageEditor already exists.’ and the existing ImageEditor object will be returned.
The method unbind()
will dispose all created CustomElement objects, ThumbnailViewer objects and ImageEditor objects.
* Generate a independent ThumbnailViewer object.
* @param thumbnailViewerSettings Configure the ThumbnailViewer object
thumbnailViewerSettings?: thumbnailViewerSettings
): ThumbnailViewer;
interface ThumbnailViewer {
* Show the ThumbnailViewer object.
show(): boolean;
* Hide the ThumbnailViewer object.
hide(): boolean;
* Remove the ThumbnailViewer object.
dispose(): boolean;
* Change the view mode of the thumbnail viewer.
* @param viewMode Specify the new mode.
updateViewMode(viewMode: ViewMode): void;
* Bind a listner to the specified event. You can bind one or multiple listeners to the same event.
* @param eventName Specify the event name.
* @param callback Specify the listner.
on(eventName: string, callback: (event: ThumbnailViewerEvent | KeyboardEvent, domEvent?: MouseEvent) => void): void;
* Unbind event listener(s) from the specified viewer event.
* @param eventName Specify the event.
* @param callback Specify the listener to remove
off(eventName: string, callback?: () => void): void;
* Whether to allow keyboard control. Default: true.
allowKeyboardControl: boolean;
* Whether to allow page dragging to reorder the pages.
* Default: true.
allowPageDragging: boolean;
* Whether to allow resizing of the thumbnail viewer.
* Default: false.
allowResizing: boolean;
* Set or return the CSS rule for the background of the thumbnail viewer.
* Default: "rgb(255, 255, 255)".
background: string;
* Set or return the CSS rule for the border of the thumbnail viewer.
* Default: "".
border: string;
* Set or return the CSS rule for the background of the page the mouse hovers over in the thumbnail viewer.
* Default: "rgb(239, 246, 253)".
hoverPageBackground: string;
* Set or return the CSS rule for the border of the page the mouse hovers over in the thumbnail viewer.
* Default: "1px solid rgb(238, 238, 238)".
hoverPageBorder: string;
* Set or return the location of the thumbnail viewer. Allowed values are "left", "right", "top", "bottom".
* Default: "left".
location: string;
* Set or return the CSS rule for the background of a normal page in the thumbnail viewer.
* Default: "transparent".
pageBackground: string;
* Set or return the CSS rule for the border of a normal page in the thumbnail viewer.
* Default: "1px solid rgb(238, 238, 238)".
pageBorder: string;
* Set or return the margin between two adjacent images and the margin between an image and the border of the thumbnail viewer. The value can either be in pixels or percentage.
* Default: 10.
pageMargin: number | string;
* Set or return the CSS rule for the background of the placeholder which appears when you drag page(s) to reorder them in the thumbnail viewer.
* Default: "rgb(251, 236, 136)".
placeholderBackground: string;
* Set or return whether the pages are arranged vertically or horizontally.
* Default: "vertical". Allowed values are "vertical" and "horizontal".
scrollDirection: string;
* Set or return the CSS rule for the background of the selected page(s) in the thumbnail viewer.
* Default: "rgb(199, 222, 252)".
selectedPageBackground: string;
* Set or return the CSS rule for the border of the selected page(s) in the thumbnail viewer.
* Default: "1px solid rgb(125,162,206)".
selectedPageBorder: string;
* Set or return whether page numbers are shown.
* Default: false.
showPageNumber: boolean;
* Set or return the size of the thumbnail viewer. The value can either be in pixels or percentage (based on the width or height of the entire viewer).
* Default: "30%".
size: number | string;
* Set whether to select the index in the upper left corner of the viewer when scrolling.
* Default: false.
autoChangeIndex: boolean;
interface ThumbnailViewerEvent {
// The index of the current page.
index: number;
// The x-coordinate of the browser page.
pageX: number;
// The y-coordinate of the browser page.
pageY: number;
interface ViewMode {
* Specify the number of images per row.
columns: number;
* Specify the number of images per column.
rows: number;
* Set or return whether the pages are arranged vertically or horizontally.
* Default: "vertical". Allowed values are "vertical" and "horizontal".
scrollDirection: string;
The example code shows 2 ways to use the API
// Use default settings
var objThumbnailViewer = DWObject.Viewer.createThumbnailViewer();
objThumbnailViewer.background = "rgb(0,0,255)";;
// Customize the thumbnail viewer
var thumbnailViewerSettings = {
location: 'left',
size: '30%',
columns: 1,
rows: 3,
scrollDirection: 'vertical', // 'horizontal'
pageMargin: 10,
background: "rgb(255, 255, 255)",
border: '',
allowKeyboardControl: true,
allowPageDragging: true,
allowResizing: false,
showPageNumber: false,
pageBackground: "transparent",
pageBorder: "1px solid rgb(238, 238, 238)",
hoverBackground: "rgb(239, 246, 253)",
hoverPageBorder: "1px solid rgb(238, 238, 238)",
placeholderBackground: "rgb(251, 236, 136)",
selectedPageBorder: "1px solid rgb(125,162,206)",
selectedPageBackground: "rgb(199, 222, 252)"
var thumbnail = DWObject.Viewer.createThumbnailViewer(thumbnailViewerSettings);;
Usage notes
The following table shows the events available to a ThumbnailViewer object.
Event Name | Arguments | Description |
click |
event: ThumbnailViewerEvent, domEvent: MouseEvent | Triggered when the mouse is clicked |
dblclick |
event: ThumbnailViewerEvent, domEvent: MouseEvent | Triggered when the mouse is double clicked |
contextMenu |
event: ThumbnailViewerEvent, domEvent: MouseEvent | Triggered when the mouse is right clicked |
mousemove |
event: ThumbnailViewerEvent, domEvent: MouseEvent | Triggered when the mouse moved over |
mousedown |
event: ThumbnailViewerEvent, domEvent: MouseEvent | Triggered when the mouse key is pressed |
mouseup |
event: ThumbnailViewerEvent, domEvent: MouseEvent | Triggered when the mouse key is released |
resize |
width:number, height:number | Triggered when width & height of the ThumbnailViewer object changes. |
pageRendered |
index: number | Triggered when a page is rendered. |
mouseout |
event: ThumbnailViewerEvent, domEvent: MouseEvent | Triggered when the mouse is out, only for desktop browsers |
mouseover |
event: ThumbnailViewerEvent, domEvent: MouseEvent | Triggered when mouse is hovering, only for desktop browsers |
keydown |
keyboardEvent: KeyboardEvent | Triggered when a key is pressed, only for desktop browsers |
keyup |
keyboardEvent: KeyboardEvent | Triggered when a key is released, only for desktop browsers |
By default, scrolling the scroll bar on Thumbnail does not trigger the topchanged
Only one ThumbnailViewer object can be created. If you try creating it again, you will get the error ‘A ThumbnailViewer already exists.’ and the existing ThumbnailViewer object will be returned.
The method unbind()
will dispose all created CustomElement objects, ThumbnailViewer objects and ImageEditor objects.
* Show the first page and return the index which should be 0. If there is no page in the viewer, -1 is returned.
* Set how the page is fit in the viewer.
* @param type Specify how to fit. Allowed values are "width" and "height"
type?: string
): void
Usage notes
This API only works if the view mode of the viewer is set to -1 by -1 ( singlePageMode
is true).
The allowed values are
width: Fit the page vertically. height: Fit the page horizontally.
If no parameter is provided, it tries to fit the whole page within the viewer.
* Show the specified page and return its index.
* @param index Specify the page.
index: number
): number;
* Hide the viewer.
hide(): boolean;
* Show the last page and return its index. If there is no page in the viewer, -1 is returned.
* Show the next page and return its index. If there is no page in the viewer, -1 is returned.
next(): number;
DWObject.SelectImages([3]); //Select the 4th page.
var currentIndex =; // return 4 which represents the 5th page.
* Unbind event listener(s) from the specified viewer event.
* @param eventName Specify the event.
* @param callback Specify the listener to remove
eventName: string,
callback?: () => void
): void;
Usage notes
If no listener is specified, all listeners will be removed.
* Bind a listner to the specified event. You can bind one or multiple listeners to the same event.
* @param eventName Specify the event name.
* @param callback Specify the listner.
eventName: string,
callback: (event: ViewerEvent) => void
): void;
//bind pageAreaSelected event on the main viewer
var callback = function(sImageIndex, rect) {
DWObject.Viewer.on('pageAreaSelected', callback);
//bind click event on the thumbnail viewer
var objThumbnailViewer = DWObject.Viewer.createThumbnailViewer();;
objThumbnailViewer.on('click', function(dwtEvent, domEvent) {
console.log(dwtEvent, domEvent);
* Show the previous page and return its index. If there is no page in the viewer, -1 is returned.
previous(): number;
DWObject.SelectImages([3]); //Select the 4th page.
var currentIndex = DWObject.Viewer.previous(); // return 2 which represents the 3rd page.
* Refresh the viewer.
render(): boolean;
DWObject.Viewer.on("pageRendered", function(index) {
DWObject.Viewer.render(); //It will trigger the pageRendered event
* Set one or more rectangular area(s) on the current page.
* @param areas Specify the rectangular area(s).
areas: Area[]
): void;
interface Area {
left: number,
top: number,
right: number,
bottom: number,
left: 0,
top: 0,
right: 100,
bottom: 100
}, {
left: 200,
top: 200,
right: 400,
bottom: 500
Usage notes
The coordinates are based on the size of the original page (instead of the size of the viewer).
This method only works when cursor
is set to “crosshair”.
* Set the view mode of the viewer.
* @param columns Specify the number of images per column.
* @param rows Specify the number of images per row.
columns: number,
rows: number
): boolean;
DWObject.Viewer.setViewMode(2, 2);
Usage notes
Setting the view mode as -1 by -1 is equivalent to setting singlePageMode
to true.
* Show the viewer.
show(): boolean;
* Unbind and destroy the viewer.
unbind(): boolean;
Usage notes
Replace the previous UnbindViewer
* Set whether to load files dropped over the viewer area.
* The default value is true.
acceptDrop: boolean;
DWObject.Viewer.acceptDrop = true;
* Set whether to allow image navigation by swiping left or right on the viewer.
* The default value is true.
.allowSlide: boolean;
DWObject.Viewer.allowSlide = true;
Usage notes
This API only works if the view mode of the viewer is set to -1 by -1.
* Return or set the background of the viewer.
background: string;
DWObject.Viewer.background = 'rgb(255, 255, 255)';
Usage notes
Replace the previous BackgroundColor
method. Now you can specify the backgournd by CSS which may be a single color or even an image. Read more on the background shorthand CSS.
* Return or set the border of the viewer.
border: string;
DWObject.Viewer.border = '2px solid rgb(204, 204, 204)';
Usage notes
The default value is “1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204)”. Now you can specify the border by CSS. Read more on the border shorthand CSS.
* Return or set the shape of the cursor.
cursor: string;
DWObject.Viewer.cursor = 'crosshair';
Usage Notes
The allowed values are:
Value | Description |
default |
The shape is ![]() |
crosshair |
The shape is ![]() |
pointer |
The shape is ![]() |
zoom-in |
The shape is ![]() |
If there are selected areas on the page, changing the cursor
property will clear them.
* Return or set the height of the viewer.
height: number | string;
DWObject.Viewer.height = 350;
DWObject.Viewer.height = "350px";
DWObject.Viewer.height = "100%";
Usage Notes
If a number is assigned, it means that number of pixels (px). If a string is assigned, it is either a fixed size like “500px” or a dynamic size like “50%” which follows standard CSS rules.
When reading the property, the value is always in pixels no matter what value was set to it.
* Return the postfix of the Ids of the elements in the viewer.
readonly idPostfix: string;
var myViewerIdPostfix = DWObject.Viewer.idPostfix;
* Return or set whether to scroll the viewer automatically when new pages are imported.
* Default: true;
ifAutoScroll: string;
DWObject.Viewer.ifAutoScroll = false;
* Return or set the inner border of the viewer.
innerBorder: string;
DWObject.Viewer.innerBorder = '1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204)';
Usage notes
The default value is null. You can specify the border by CSS. Read more on the border shorthand CSS.
* Return or set the margin between images.
pageMargin: number | string;
DWObject.Viewer.pageMargin = 10;
Usage Notes
The page margin is only effective when the view mode is not -1 * -1 (in other words, singlePageMode
is false
* Set the border color of the selected area. Also applies to the selection box on the video opened by the method `showVideo`.
selectedAreaBorderColor: string;
DWObject.Viewer.selectedAreaBorderColor = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)';
Usage notes
The default value is “rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)”.
* Set the selected page background color of the Thumbnail viewer.
selectedPageBackground: string;
DWObject.Viewer.selectedPageBackground = "rgb(255, 0, 0)";
Usage notes
The default value is “rgb(199, 222, 252)”. You can specify the backgournd by CSS which may be a single color or even an image. Read more on the background shorthand CSS.
* Return or set the border style for selected page(s).
selectedPageBorder: string;
DWObject.Viewer.selectedPageBorder = "3px solid rgb(125,162,206)";
Usage Notes
This API is only effective when the view mode is not -1 * -1 (in other words, singlePageMode
is false
The default value is “1px solid rgb(125, 162, 206)”. Now you can specify the border by CSS. Read more on the border shorthand CSS.
* Specify an aspect ratio to be used when selecting an rectangular area on a page.
selectionRectAspectRatio: number | string;
DWObject.Viewer.selectionRectAspectRatio = 0.5;
Usage Notes
This API is only effective when drawing manually (it won’t work if the selection is done with the API setSelectedAreas()
* Return or set whether to show the page numbers.
DWObject.Viewer.showPageNumber = true;
Usage notes
The default value is false
which means the page nubmers are hidden. The page numbers indicate the order of the pages. When the viewmode is -1 * -1 (in other words, singlePageMode
is true
), page numbers will be hidden.
* Set whether to use single page mode.
singlePageMode: boolean;
// Use single page mode in the main viewer
DWObject.Viewer.singlePageMode = true;
// Use single page mode in the thumnail viewer
var objThumbnailViewer = DWObject.Viewer.createThumbnailViewer();;
DWObject.Viewer.singlePageMode = true;
Usage notes
The default value is false
. If the thumbnail viewer is not shown, setting singlePageMode
to true
is equivalent to setting the view mode to -1 by -1. But if the thumbnail viewer is shown, singlePageMode
will be changed to true
* Return or set the width of the viewer.
width: number | string;
DWObject.Viewer.width = 270;
DWObject.Viewer.width = "270px";
DWObject.Viewer.width = "100%";
Usage Notes
If a number is assigned, it means that number of pixels (px). If a string is assigned, it is either a fixed size like “500px” or a dynamic size like “50%” which follows standard CSS rules.
When reading the property, the value is always in pixels no matter what value was set to it.
* Return or set the zoom factor, and then the current page will be enlarged or reduced.
zoom: number;
DWObject.Viewer.zoom = 2.0;
Usage Notes
The zoom factor is only effective when the view mode is -1 * -1. Allowed values is from 0.02 to 65.
* Set whether to make sure the first image in the viewer is always selected when scrolling through multiple images. The default value is false.
autoChangeIndex : boolean
Usage Notes
When set to true, the index in the upper left corner of the viewer will be selected when scrolling.
* Built-in callbacks that are triggered for a certain mouse event or keyboard event on a page.
* @param eventName Specify the event.
* @param callback Specify the callback.
* @argument dwtEvent The viewer-specific event object.
* @argument domEvent The original mouse event object.
eventName: string,
callback: (event: ViewerEvent | KeyboardEvent, domEvent: MouseEvent) => void
): void;
interface ViewerEvent{
// The index of the current page.
index: number;
//The x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the page.
imageX: number;
//The y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the page.
imageY: number;
// The x-coordinate of the browser page.
pageX: number;
// The y-coordinate of the browser page.
pageY: number;
DWObject.Viewer.on('click', function(dwtEvent, domEvent) {
console.log(dwtEvent, domEvent);
DWObject.Viewer.on('dblclick', function(dwtEvent, domEvent) {
console.log(dwtEvent, domEvent);
DWObject.Viewer.on('contextmenu', function(dwtEvent, domEvent) {
console.log(dwtEvent, domEvent);
DWObject.Viewer.on('mousemove', function(dwtEvent, domEvent) {
console.log(dwtEvent, domEvent);
DWObject.Viewer.on('mousedown', function(dwtEvent, domEvent) {
console.log(dwtEvent, domEvent);
DWObject.Viewer.on('mouseup', function(dwtEvent, domEvent) {
console.log(dwtEvent, domEvent);
DWObject.Viewer.on('mouseout', function(dwtEvent, domEvent) {
console.log(dwtEvent, domEvent);
DWObject.Viewer.on('mouseover', function(dwtEvent, domEvent) {
console.log(dwtEvent, domEvent);
DWObject.Viewer.on('keydown', function(keyboardEvent) {
DWObject.Viewer.on('keyup', function(keyboardEvent) {
Usage notes
The events mouseout
, mouseover
, keydown
and keyup
are only triggered on desktop browsers.
* This event is triggered when user selects an area (draws a rectangle) or move a selected area on the current page.
* @argument index The index of the current page.
* @argument rect Some attribute values of the selected area.
(index: number, rect: rect)=> void
): void;
interface rect{
// The index of the selected area. The index is 0-based. This is useful when you have multiple selected areas on one page.
areaIndex: number;
// The x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the area.
x: number;
// The y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the area.
y: number;
// The width of the selected area.
width: number;
// The height of the selected area.
height: number;
DWObject.Viewer.on('pageAreaSelected', function(sImageIndex, rect) {
* This event is triggered when selected area(s) get cleared (when the user clicks outside of the drawn rectangle).
* @argument index The index of the current page.
(index: number) => void
): void;
DWObject.Viewer.on('pageAreaUnselected', function(sImageIndex) {
console.log('The selected areas on the page with index ' + sImageIndex + ' have been cleared');
* This event is triggered when a page is rendered.
* @argument index The index of the current page.
(index: number) => void
): void;
DWObject.Viewer.on("pageRendered", function(index) {
* This event is triggered when width & height of the viewer has been changed.
* @argument width The new width of the viewer.
* @argument height The new height of the viewer.
(width: number, height: number) => void
): void;
DWObject.Viewer.on("resize", function(width, height) {
console.log(width, height);
DWObject.Viewer.width += 100;
version 17.1.1